
Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

Thirty-two years ago today, my life was changed forever. Well, I know what you're thinking..."Bobi Ann, you're only 29!" I know, but 32 years ago my parents vowed before God to love each other and stand beside each other until death parts them. I'm so grateful they made those vows and more importantly that they kept them.
Jared & I are so blessed to have 2 sets of parents that have been such a great examples of allowing God to be the center of your marriage. I'm thankful for parents that not only pointed me to Jesus but showed me what it means to sacrifice, compromise and love one another. Happy 32nd Anniversary, Mom & Dad! We love you!


Funderstorm said...

Happy Day!

We understand the value of commitment and are grateful for parents who do as well. We just celebrated 18 years last week!

Love you! Miss you! Wish we could chat.

Anonymous said...

I miss you so much that I had a dream that I came to visit you and got to see your new house. In my dream I sitting in your room looking at a picture of you and the picture started to move and talk to me. That is when I awoke! I know, it was wierd, but it made me miss you more. Post picks of the house when you can.
Happy Day to mom and dad! We were blessed with parents that kept that same commitment. It is rare these days.
Love all of you- flea