Between the dates of April 13 and May 8, all 4 of us celebrate our birthdays! This year we celebrated both of the kids birthday in Texas. There were lots of parties! We began with a party in Carthage at MiMi & Poppa's. Kie had his first sugar and loved the cupcake that MiMi made.
We then headed to Bryan and celebrated with the Cargill family. We had so much fun, including a belated Easter Egg Hunt, kite flying, bunny cake and presents. It was quite the celebration!
It is hard for me to believe that I have a four and one year old! I'm so thankful for my sweet babies and the opportunity to be their mom! Four years ago, my life changed dramatically when we added Kati Ann and then again a year ago with the introduction of Kie. I couldn't be more blessed. Happy Birthday to my sweet kiddos!